Saturday, August 31, 2019

Book Dummary on Amelia Earhart

Discussion on Amelia Earhart: The Sky’s No Limit by Lori Van Pelt. Sentence Summary In Amelia Earhart: The Sky’s No Limit by Lori Van Pelt, Amelia, a women aviator, has always enjoyed new and risky things, but will her soon to be biggest accomplishment that sets milestones for women be her last? Paragraph Summary Amelia Earhart: The Sky’s No Limit a biography talks about one of the most famous aviator women in history. As a young girl her grandparents could have recalled her as a daring girl with big dreams, and without a doubt she grew into women were those dreams became a reality.Always fascinated with airplanes she obtained her own pilot wings and participated in flights and shows across the country. She won the world over with her humbleness along with George Putnam. He was set out to make Amelia the most famous Aviator in history. To make that dream a reality she would have to fly solo across the entire world. On her journey to pave the road for future women aviators she vanished among the islands in the Pacific coming to end of her round-the-world flight.Her aircraft was never found, but her memory lives on for being one of the most Famous Women Aviators in History. Page Summary Amelia Earhart, a tomboy in Kansas, growing up was very daring and risky. She enjoyed trying new things and that even resulted to her building a roller coaster in her grandparent’s backyard. In her twenties she fell in love with flight while attending an acrobatic show and her first flight in an airplane encouraged her love among the clouds as well. She knew what she wanted to do and nothing was going to stop her.At age 24 she earned her pilot wings and in 1928 she attended some flight shows, including the Friendship Flight, where she won the crowd over with her charm and unassuming nature. Amelia was even compared to such pilots as the distinguished Charles Lindbergh, calling her Lady Lindy. She did not only win over the hearts of millions she also won over the heart of George Putnam. In 1931 Earhart married Putnam, who managed her career and insured her she would be the most famous aviator in the History. She soon received the Distinguished Flying Cross after lying solo across the Atlantic, and set out her mission to encourage the women throughout the world to explore careers – typically careers that were traditionally held by men. On her biggest and most daring venture, a flight across the entire world, Earhart was lost at sea near the Pacific Island, nearly finishing her quest. President Franklin D. Roosevelt encouraged the greatest search of its time for the fliers and the craft, but it was never found. Amelia Earhart journey may never have finished, but she set milestones for women across the globe.She was indeed the most famous women aviator of all time. Gender Stuff. Amelia Earhart trampled the gender norm in her generation. A typical American woman stayed home, cooking, cleaning, and took care of the husband and ki ds. She broke through cultural barriers becoming a female pilot. She was a member of the National Women’s Party, and a big supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment. This era had other contributions to help women become more independent and successful. In 1920, women were giving the right to vote and Amelia jumped on this women empowering train.

Impact of Computer on Our Society

Ilorin Being a paper presented at the closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre on the 15th September 2007 Introduction At this closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre, let us lift our eyes toward the challenges that await us in the years to come.It is our great good fortune, as organisers, that time and chance have put us not only at the edge of a chapter in the lives of these graduands, but on the edge of a bright new prospect in their affairs —a moment that will define their course, and their character, for many years to come. Guided by the ancient vision of a promised future, let us set our sights upon a set of graduands of new promise. However, our march to this new future seemed less certain than it did yesterday. We must vow to set a clear course to renew our generation.We should thank the organisers for their vision towards the creation of new Nigeria ns who will appreciate problems, exhilarated by challenges, and strengthened by achievements, Nigerians with better employment opportunities, who will be job creators. Computer is gaining vast popularity globally in recent years. Its use, which extended information-processing capabilities, are influencing organizations of all types and sizes bringing about changes in institutional goals, relations and operations.A large percentage of the activities in any institution or organisation comprise the processing of communicating information in the production and distribution processes. In the developing countries, computers are becoming part of everyday activities because of the kind of information they generate and their speed of delivery (Award 1988). 1 What is a Computer A computer is an electronic device, which accepts and processes data by following a set of instructions (PROGRAM) to produce an accurate and efficient result (INFORMATION). Since the ultimate aim of computer is to prod uce information, the art if computing is often referred o as information processing. The values of the computer lie solely on its high speed (due to its electronic nature), ability to store large amount of data, the unfailing accuracy and precision. These account for its supremacy over manual computation. The computer industry began in the late forties with a very small initial investment, and has been increasing both in strength and importance. When one looks back with analytical mind, we can conclude that computer technology keeps on advancing with remarkable increase in speed, accuracy and reliability.Computing in whatever field, science, business, and industry is reaching directly or indirectly into various aspects of our society thereby, without loss of generality has shrunk the world into such a compactness that no part can afford to lack behind or live in isolation. The advent of electronic computer was hailed by the world as a great revolution, like any industrial revolution , it promised to free man from simple routine jobs of repetitive nature by providing computing power. The first to have exploited this facility was the search for scientific enquiries.This was not unconnected with the fact that the designers of these systems were scientists themselves. Several problems have been eluding satisfactory solutions, though numerical methods of solutions exist but involved a very huge accomplished. Not only did computer make reliable solutions possible it equally opened new application methods or areas. To quote but a few are the optimization techniques of Operations Research (OR), the awe-stricken field of space research, the molecular restructuring in Biochemistry etc. It would have been tedious inexhaustible, incomplete and inaccurate to list all the possible applications of computer. There is no limit tot he uses and applications of computer; hence there is hardly a branch of science that can resist computer invasion.After science was business. Because of the natural conservatism, oppressive and exploitative nature of this class coupled with their cautions approach to things, did not deem the computing machine fit until its worth and capabilities had been proved. What came to be recognized and embraced by this class was the importance of computer for decision aking and data processing, for these reasons, elaborate mathematical tools like Operations Research (OR), Critical Path Method (CPM), and Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) which were developed in the early fifties attained respectable height in the eyes of this class. Common examples of data processing are payroll, accounting, inventory management, banking, airline seat reservation etc. These required a lot of input and output and relatively little computing. Hence the costs of computing in such areas tend to be closely bound by inputting the data and outputting the results.Some applications like airlines seat reservation, banking business and inventory control , call for real-time systems, which are dedicated to a particular application. They furnish â€Å"immediate† responses to input signals. For examples, it is easier today for one to know his statement of account in a bank the moment signals for such requests are sent to the computer. Similarly debited or credited accounts are updated almost immediately for further transactions. The Need for Computer Most of our national projects could better be accomplished with the use of computers.Consider the registration of voters for election, common entrance examination into Nigeria Secondary Schools and conducting head counts (census) to mention only a few. These involve a huge volume of data, and would naturally be unwise if accomplished manually as it would be tiring, inaccurate and full of errors. 3 Going through the history/evolution of computers, the search for a realistic head count by the United States census bureau in 1890 led to the development of an electro-mechanical machine that helped greatly during the census by cutting down the man-hour required for the processing of the census data.The accuracy of computer cannot be over-emphasized and it conforms to the objective of using the computer. A cashier in a departmental store would definitely find life boring if all calculations, issuance of receipts and giving of change would be done manually for each customer after each transaction. But with the aid of an adding machine the job is done accurately and he feels relieved. Going from the adding machine to the computer itself, the ability of the computer to perform repetitive tasks makes things easier.Once the computer is programmed using the adequate software the whole job is done with ease. The need for computer in our banking system cannot be underrated because of the huge amount of transactions and the accuracy desired. Similarly in the data processing environment where the bulk of the job is either sorting, merging files, updating information, searchin g for a particular key in a pile of data etc. , all these the computer does with ease and accurately too. In a developing economy like ours, the speed of the computer is again one of the distinguishing factors that make it inevitable.From the saying that â€Å"Time is Money†, speed is equally synonymous to time, and since computers work as a phenomenal speed coupled with its ability to access records or information directly from remote locations, efforts should be directed towards introducing computer into every facets of human endeavour. Computer and Unemployment The extent to which the computer has come to permeate all levels of our society is immeasurable. In fact, it does not matter, what you plan to do for a living, you will encounter the computer.Its impact is analogous to that of the automobile and television. Things could be quite different with computers, but it has become part 4 of our society. The automobile is largely responsible for the air pollution and congesti on of our cities today. The television has been accused of literally â€Å"rotting our minds†. Technology is usually a bit of mixed blessing and the computer is no exception. There is a popular slogan and fear that computer causes unemployment. From a professional point of view, it is untrue.The problem therefore is the ability to distinguish between unemployment and job displacement. Hence with a thorough distinction between the two, computer should be seen as a saviour from slavery. Before considering the question of displacement and unemployment, it might be necessary once again to define computer. Computer as earlier defined, is an electronic device or machine, which accepts data, following some sets of logical instructions to produce the needed results. Therefore we have to ask ourselves, can this so-called computer operate without the full assistance of human being?Can we just go to the computer for a complaint and have our problems solved without having to call on some pre-written programs meant for specific assignments, and written by programmers of course? The answer to these questions is NO. It is true that behind every successful man there is a woman, also behind the successful operations of computers there is a brain (the man). Computer on its own is just an empty box or a junk, and can in no way do any intelligent job, but with programs written the jobs are done.Therefore if a computer is given a job with the logical step to follow, it can do it better, faster and more accurately than human beings and these are some of the advantages. Consider the developed countries like Japan, USA, UK etc. , where their industries are filled with Robots. The word Robot means labour. Robots are no human beings but rather are machines that can be programmed to carry out complex and tedious task without getting bored or tired. Robots are blind, deaf and have no sense of touch. Therefore jobs that are hazardous, tedious, that could be left undone are done by these Robots.Considering an assembly plant where the 5 only thing a man does in such a plant is just to take the assembled goods out of the plant to give chance for the Robots to start assembling another. What a miracle it is to know that if a Robot breaks down in the course of its duty, almost immediately a fellow Robot (Doctor Robot) will attend to it to put it back to work. Think of the most dangerous tasks, which for the love of our dear lives we cannot do, these Robots do them. Ample examples are, blast furnace, disaster area (caused by poisonous gas) marshy areas etc. of course Robots do these jobs not thinking of any relations or parents and in fact, at a faster speed enhancing productivity. How does computer displace people and who are those displaced? As earlier mentioned, computer can only do a routine job and cannot think in any form. Now come to think of some well-structured organizations, UAC, SCOA and Leventis etc. , there are skilled personnel and unskilled workers/cl erks. The daily job of these unskilled workers are mere routine jobs like accounting procedures, oading and assembling goods which can be taken over by computers that will do it better, faster and in fact, more reliable thereby enhancing greater productivity. These labourers so displaced by computer can be taken to such areas as sales since more articles are produced. These workers should go out soliciting for markets. While the managers, engineers and technician can not be displaced because they as skilled in their job, they do real thinking. Therefore to supplement these greater efficiency and productivity of the computer, these skilled workers should be kept in an airconditioned office, and in fact, think of things yet to happen.No wonder the United States of American sees nothing left on earth again and hence proceeded to exploit the outer space. With these productive forces in operation, the prices of goods and the workers conditions of service would be improved. 6 Recently, th ese big time companies embarked on agriculture. These unskilled workers could be better utilized there, and more of them is needed for such jobs. In Africa, there are popular terms like laziness, redundancy, unproductively, etc. These are happening because there are no challenges to face.What we do mostly are routine jobs which could be boring thereby creating unhappiness and in such a situation we become less productive. The routine jobs should be given to computers while a conducive atmosphere be created for the skilled workers to think of ways of making the continent self reliant. Computer and Job Creation Let us consider a particular case study of an information system, the effect of computer and how it helps creating jobs. An information system means the collection and processing of data to yield useful information for decision making.To collect data, enumerators are needed to actually go to the field for data collection, typist are needed too and other people employed in the c ourse of recording the data and finally statisticians computer operators use the computer for processing the data to give useful results (information). Again think of the case of our consultancy services. Any company going into such ventures like agricultural business needs a consultant having in his service Agricultural scientists, soil scientists and host of other professionals in allied discipline to perform the feasibility studies.They give useful information to customers are regards the type of crops to plant, the planting seasons, the fertilizers to apply and when, the type of pests attracted by such plants etc. , all these lead to greater productivity and this is one of the things the attention of our professionals should be directed to. Come to think of the perennial problems of Cancer, AIDS and some other deadly diseases, which we have no solutions to. Our scientist and medical personnel should use most of their time addressing their minds through intensive research towards providing a remedy to such ills of the society while the computer is left to do their routine jobs for them. History has it that the early jobs where computers were employed were in accounting, payroll, ledger etc. , all of which had fixed procedures or routine hence it was easier to computerize these systems to enhance productivity and save workers from boredom. However, it must be recognized that computer requires lesser number of personnel, it can produce more and it is not likely to go on maternity leave, nor go on strikes, nor demand overtime or old age pension etc.Also the use of computer creates more jobs such as consultancy, developing and selling of software and hardware while the displaced workers could be trained as salesmen to market the goods or taken to such areas like agriculture where they can serve humanity. Therefore computer will lead to re-arrangement in the organizational set up and this will lead to greater productivity. Conclusions Computer offer innumerable benefits in enriching the quality and quantity of goods and services in any organisation.Despite the prevalent nature of computer in virtually every aspect of human endeavours, it has not been widely integrated into the production and distribution processes in Nigeria. Its integration will not only revolutionize the economy, it will engender the development of individual’ innate scientific inquiry mind and their critical thinking abilities. COMPUTER PROVIDES LONGER LIFE, REDUCES WORKING HOURS AND GREATER REMUNERATION IN RETURN.REFERENCES Ayo, C, K. (1994). Computer literacy: Operations and appreciation. Egbe: Alanukitan Press Walton, D. (1984). Blob (Computer Program): Applied system knowledge (ASK). London: Unwin Ltd 8

Friday, August 30, 2019


It gets far too complicated to keep tabs on all four. I also recommend that traders choose one of the majors because the spread is the best and they are the most liquid. I personally follow only USED/CHEF because it moves the most every day. Foundation #2: Follow and understand the daily Force News and Analysis of the professional currency analysts. Even though this system is based solely on technical analysis of charts, it is important to get a birds-eye view of the currency markets and the news that affects the prices.It Is also Important that you know and understand what the key technical ‘support' predicted level to buy (where currency pair should move up on the charts), resistance s a predicted level to sell (where the currency pair should move down on the charts). Fortunately, all the best Force news and analysis is offered free on the Internet. Here is what you should do first: *While you are reading the daily news and technical analysis, write down on a piece of paper w hat direction the analysts are saying about the major currency pair you are following and the key support and resistance levels for the day. A. Go to foreknows. Mom and you will find rah news and analysis on the spot FAX markets. The site will give you the big picture of how the economic calendar ND central banks affect the currency markets. A great resource. B. Then go to festered. Com and click on the ‘Top Force Reports'. Here there is a wonderful listing of all the major daily currency analysis and forecasts with support and resistance and direction forecasts. C. Click on currency. Com and go to ‘Today's Market Research' and there you will find more excellent analysis on the Major Currency pairs. Another great Force Portal. D. Wry. Monterey. Com E. Free Force trading forum: www. Respiratory. Net F. Comprehensive listing of everything, related to the Force Markets: www. Engorge. Com/resource/glossary. SP Foundation #3: Only get into a trade when the FPS technical indic ators say when. Always trade with stop losses! It is important when you are trading Force, to be disciplined and to stick to a plan. Don't Just trade your ‘gut' feeling. Use the technical indicators outlined and always enter in stop losses on every trade. Foundation #4: Practice makes perfect. As they say, there is no substitute for hard work and diligence. Practice this system on a demo account and pretend the virtual money is your own real money.Do not open a live trading account until you are profitable trading on a demo account. Stick to the plan and you can be successful. Foundation #5: Trade with a DISCIPLINED Plan: The problem with many traders is that they take shopping more seriously than trading. The average shopper would not spend $400 without serious research and examination of the product he is about to purchase, yet the average trader would make a trade that could easily cost him $400 based on little more than a â€Å"feeling† or â€Å"hunch. † Be s ure that you have a plan in place BEFORE you start to trade.The plan must include stop and limit levels for the trade, as your analysis should encompass the expected downside as well as the expected upside. Foundation #6: Cut your losses early and Let your Profits Run: This simple concept is one of the most difficult to implement and is the cause of most traders demise. Most traders violate their predetermined plan and take their profits before reaching their profit target because they feel uncomfortable sitting on a profitable position. These same people will easily sit on losing positions, allowing the market to move against them for hundreds of points in hopes that the market will come back.In addition, traders who have had their stops hit a few times only to see the market go back in heir favor once they are out, are quick to remove stops from their trading on the losing more then a predetermined amount! The mistaken belief is that every trade should be profitable. If you can ge t 3 out of 6 trades to be profitable then you are doing well. How then do you make money with only half of your trades being winners? You simply allow your profits on the winners to run and make sure that your losses are minimal.Foundation #7: Do not marry your trades The reason trading with a plan is the #1 tip is because most objective analysis is done before the trade is executed. Once a trader is in a position he/she tends to analyze the market differently in the â€Å"hopes† that the market will move in a favorable direction rather than objectively looking at the changing factors that may have turned against your original analysis. This is especially true of losses. Traders with a losing position tend to marry their position, which causes them to disregard the fact that all signs point towards continued losses. Foundation #8: Do not bet the farm Do not over trade.One of the most common mistakes that traders make is leveraging their account too high by trading much larger sizes than their account should prudently trade. Leverage is a double-edged sword. Just because one lot (100,000 units) of currency only requires $1000 as a minimum margin deposit, it does not mean that a trader with $5000 in his account should be able to trade 5 lots. One lot is $100,000 and should be treated as a $100,000 investment and not the $1000 put up as margin. Most traders analyze the charts correctly and place sensible trades, yet they tend to over leverage themselves.As a consequence of this, they are often forced to exit a position at the wrong time. A good rule of thumb is to never use more than 10% of your account at any given time. Trading strategy: TRENDS Trend is simply the overall direction prices are moving UP, DOWN, OR FLAT. The direction of the trend is absolutely essential to trading and analyzing the market. In the Foreign Exchange (FAX) Market, it is possible to profit from UP and Down movements, because of the buying and selling of one currency and against the other currency e. G. Buy US Dollar Sell Japanese Yen ex. Up Trend chart. SUPPORT Price supports are price areas where traders find that it is difficult for market prices to penetrate lower. Buying interest in the dollar is strong enough to overcome. Selling interest in the dollar keeping prices at a sustained level. RESISTANCE Resistance is the opposite of support and represents a price level where Selling Interest overcomes Buying interest and advancing prices are turning back. 3 50% Retrenchment. There are also 33% and 66% Retrenchments. 4 5 Step 1: Prepare your charts The Force Profit System uses 2 technical indicators to show you when you should enter and exit a trade.These are called the Parabolic SARA and the Exponential Moving Average 10, 25 and 50. A. Setup a 60 minute USED/CHEF chart. This is my favorite currency pair to trade because it swings up and down the most. You can choose any major pair you like though. B. Choose Parabolic SARA as an indicator. Click on displa y when it shows you the . 02 and . 2 acceleration factor and constant. C. Choose Moving Averages, Exponential 10, 25 and 50. D. Click on Exponential, then enter 10 in the Period box, then K E. You should have the Parabolic SARA and the three Ma's 10, 25 and 50 in different colors on your charts.Step 2: When to Enter and Exit your Trades This is what your chart should look like. These are the FPS indicators that I use to trade. The EMMA 10 should be in pink, the EMMA 25 should be in yellow, and the EMMA 50 should be in blue. The Parabolic SARA is charted with dots above and below the line. When to ENTER a trade The FPS indicators tell you when to get into a trade when the EMMA ten crosses the 25 and the 50. If the ten crosses the 25 and 50 up from the bottom, you enter your trade ‘long and ‘buy.If the 10 cross the 25 and 50 down from the top you go ‘short' and ‘sell'. Make sure that when you get into your trade that the Parabolic SARA is on the bottom when you go long and on the top when you go short. In the example above, on October 1 5th, there was a great opportunity to go long on the USED/CHEF pair, where I circled and labeled enter. Notice how the EMMA 10 crossed up the 25 and 50 and the Par SARA was on the bottom. *If you are trading the hourly charts like in the above example, make sure that the 15 min charts Parabolic SARA is going the same way.Simply click on the arrow beside the 60 min and change it to 15 min and your studies will automatically adjust to the new time frame. Never trade against the 15 min Parabolic SARA! When to EXIT a trade 6 The best time to exit a trade is when the price crosses back down through all 3 Ma's USED/CHEF on the 20th crossed back down all three indicators where I circled EXIT. If o held this position all week, you could have made a 275 pip profit. With 1 lot traded on a standard account this would have been approximately $1780. 00 in profit. With 2 lots–$3560! A mini account would have prof ited you $178 and $356 respectively.If you profited 275 pips with ERR/USED or GAP/USED you would have made approximately $10 per pip, which you would have made $2750 with one lot and $5500 with 2 lots traded. Not bad for one week! Where to Set the Stop Loss When you open a demo account you will find on the online trading platform that you will always be able to enter a stop order level that will automatically stop out your read at the level you set, or a limit order that will close your position at your desired profit level. Using the FPS means that you should always set your level Just below the EMMA 50.As your position moves in the right direction, you should move your stop accordingly. Then if your position moves against you, you would have locked in your profits by moving up your stop order. It is important that if the prices cross back over the 10, 25 and 50 that you close your position. Here is an example of how the FPS works on the 15 min charts: Using the FPS on the 15 min c harts is more volatile, but it will give you more trades on n intra-day basis. On the example above you could have sold the USED/CHEF ‘short' at 1. 5060 and closed your position at 1. 000 for a 60 pip profit. One note of caution trading the 15 min charts: there are often times when the price will Whipsaw' back and forth, up and down through the 10,25 and 50 moving averages. If this happens soon after you entered a trade, close your position and wait till the moving averages fan out and the Parabolic SARA signals strong. 7 ‘Scalp' Trading the Min Charts System Scalp trading is when you use the 1 to 5 min charts to ‘scalp' small profits. These trades usually only last a few minutes to an hour. You can use the FPS to scalp trade Force on the 1 min charts.Here is how: Instead of using the 10, 25, 50 Ma's like we did in the above examples, put on the 25, 50 and 100 Ma's. Often it is best to scalp trade at the London Open (3:MAMA EST) or the New York open (8:00 AM EST) b ecause that is generally when the currency pairs will start to move more in one direction. When the actual price crosses all three indicators, you enter your trade, long or short. If the price crosses down through the 100 EMMA, enter short, if the price crosses up through the 100 EMMA go long. Make sure that you book a 5-10 pip profit.That is a $50-$100 dollar profit on a regular account, and more if you bought more lots. Don't try to hang on to you winning position too long, because the price can whipsaw back and you can lose. Take your 510 pip profit as soon as you can. Here is an example on the 1 min charts: price crossed up through the 100 EMMA and at 10:45 you could have closed your position (little circle) and made a 10 pip profit. Then again the price crossed back down the 100 EMMA at 1 1 EST. You could have sold the Yen short (big circle) and then ten minutes later made another 10 pip profit. Little circle) The Setup: Open up your trading platform and open a chart. Set the i nstrument to the currency pair of your choice. Set the chart pattern to filled candle. Set the timeshare to 30 minutes Set up a moving average line in your indicators menu. -set period to 11 days Now that you have your chart setup properly, go ahead and set up your normal indicators that you use for reassurance and entrance/exit, etc. I use an MAC, a volume indicator, and Bollixing bands, but everyone has their own theory on what works and why, and everyone has a reason why your indicators don't work when they seem to work Just fine for you!Now before I explain what you are doing with this setup I loud like you to set up the chart as I have indicated, and take a good solid look at the history of the data. Do you see any telltale signs yet, or have a clue as to what the point of the setup is yet? If you do not, do not worry or feel inferior, as this has slipped past some of the best. I happen to be great with numbers and have a strong background in analysis, so I was able to pick up on this trend mostly by dumb luck but good fortune and a keen eye for detail. Now that you have stared at your screen looking for it, I'll explain myself.What you are looking for is the moving average line, or herein referred to as the MA, that you et up on your chart to cross through the price line. You are probably saying to yourself, â€Å"This happens like every hour or so, what gives? â€Å". Well, it does happen fairly often, maybe not that drastically, but it does. The key point is where the MA crosses the price line. You don't need to worry or care about it crossing the thin peaks of the high/low lines on the candle, but you want to concentrate on it crossing through the middle of the wide, filled part of the candle, the openness prices.And further yet, it must cross in around the middle of this center section. If it crosses at the top or OTTOMH of the candle centre area, than you can pretty much disregard the trade. It may be profitable, but not worth the risk. Stick with the center of the central region and you will be much safer. Now, when the MA indeed crosses the price line through the centre of the central wide part of the candle, a trade signal is triggered. You should try and wait at least on the radar and its not about to recant its previous move.The chart is set to the 30 minute timeshare, so generally wait 30 minutes or so, unless the market suddenly takes a quick shift in that direction. Then you can open the position to catch the wing. Now to determine direction. If the MA moves from above the price line to below it, the trade is going to be long. And likewise, if the MA moves through the candle from below the price line, the trade will be short. This can be verified by checking your indicators that you have set up to corroborate with your MA.To better clarify this direction idea, if after the cross the price is below the MA, the price is most likely dropping or SHORT. If the after the cross the price is above the MA, the price is consid ered to be rising and the trade is LONG. Another important factor to consider. While an MAC is a great too to determine market direction and activity, in this case it helps to build on the strength of the trend that we are pointing out here. If the MA crosses the price line from above to below, so that the trade we have forecasted is long, we can compare this with the MAC.If the MAC average lines are above the zero line, then you can expect a large climb. If the trade was reported as short, and the average lines on the MAC screen were below the zero line, you could expect to a see a rather large drop. When I say large drop or gain, I am speaking of 75, 100, 150 point gains. This is not to say that if, n a long trade for instance, the average lines on the MAC are BELOW the zero that you will NOT see a gain. It generally will provide a gain, but of 20, 30, or maybe even 50 points. Where you exit the trade is up to you and how much you can tolerate and are willing to risk.If you feel c omfortable taking 30 points and are okay with yourself if it does end up going to 150 points above your buy price, then good for you. If you are a thrill-seeker and go for the 150, I wish you all the best of luck! You may or may not need it. That's it! It's Just that simple! If you move back through the history of the chart and kook at when and where the MA crosses the price line, you can see for yourself that it seems to catch every big movement, and almost all of the smaller ones. This set can be used on the minute chart for mid-term trades and further yet on the daily chart for longer term setups.Make sure that you are using your regular technical indicators to monitor market activity and ensure the trade is on target. If you are looking to enter a short and your MAC says long, or the 30 minute chart is oversold, you are asking for trouble. You need checks and balances with any system to eliminate as much of the margin of error as possible. The Force Profit System is specifically designed for use with the 1, 5 or 10 minute charts, with the goal of taking 5-20 pip profits per trade?closing bad trades out using tight stops, or hedging any losing trades.The following steps will show you how to do this. Set up your charts: USED (or whatever currency pair you like) , 5 min, line and the chart will appear on the right hand side. Maximize the chart to fill the right hand side. Now if you want to make the price line darker, you can right click right on the price line and a properties box will appear. You can adjust the thickness of the line. Now we will add the Moving Averages to the chart. We will be using the Exponential Moving Average 10, the Bollixing Band Exponential Set at 20, and the Exponential Moving Average 50.Click on Moving Average on the left hand side under Studies. Set your first MA to 10, close, exponential and you can make it red with line width 2 under the Color/Style Tab. Click on Moving Average again and add your MA 50, close, exponential and ma ke this line blue with line width 2. Now we will add 3 more indicators below the chart to help us confirm the trend, and to help us identify exact entry and exit buy or sell signals. The following indicators give us insight into the momentum, direction and overbought/sold indicators.Used along with the Exponential Moving Averages, Parabolic SARA and Bollixing Bands?these indicators can be very helpful to the day trader. MAC Histogram. Read about how to trade the MAC Histogram here: http:// www. Incredibleness. Com/technical/Mac_histogram. HTML Relative Strength Index (RSI) Read about how to trade the RSI here: http://www. Incredibleness. Com/technical/ relative_strength_index. HTML Slow Stochastic Read about how to trade the Slow Stochastic here: http://www. Incredibleness. Com/ technical/slow_stochastic. Tm Now add these studies to your charts.Under Studies click on MAC Histogram and use the default settings (9,Exponential, 12, 26, Close, Exponential) and set the line width to 2. Y our study will automatically open under your chart. Under Studies click on Relative Strength Index and set it to 14 and set the line width to 2. Your study will automatically open under your chart. Under Studies click on Slow Stochastic and set it to (533, Exponential) and make the %K line blue with line width 2, and the %D line red with line width 2. Your chart, with all the studies on it should now look like this (example of USED/CAD 10 in chart): I clicked on the zoom in button a couple of times. *tip: If you are in a winning trade, you can move your stop to your entry level, so that if your trade moves against you, the platform closes your position without any losses. **tip: You should be comfortable setting your stop Order at 15-20 pips. If you can't handle a 15-20 pip loss, then you are need to trade smaller amounts. This will help you from over leveraging your trading account. Limit Order: Is a price you enter into an open position for the trading platform to automatically cl ose your position at a profit. For example, you might set your limit order at a 15 pip profit.If the exchange rate never hits that level, then the Order doesn't get filled. We will be looking at 3 different ways to day trade the Force Markets. In a trading session, you may look for 1 or more of these approaches. The 3 techniques are as follows: Trade the Breakout Trade the Trend Trading Tops and Bottoms Micro Trading Before we look at these trading approaches, let's answer a question that is often asked by new traders. When is the best time to trade? Because the Force Market is open rash a day, and traded on a global scale, the question to ask is, When should I trade?.The good news is that no matter what time zone or hemisphere you live in globally, there are always good opportunities to trade. The three major trading ‘sessions' are as follows (all in Eastern Standard Time): 1 . New York open 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM 2. Japanese/Australian open 7:00 PM to 3:00 AM 3. London open 3:00 AM to 8:00 AM **Often, the best times to trade is at the beginning 3-5 hours of the above mentioned opening times, because the major currency pairs tend to move the most in a particular direction. The first Transformed. Com trading technique we will look at is he easiest to recognize on the charts.We will call it ‘Trade the Breakout'. You can use the 5, 10 or 15 minute charts for this method. The indicators on the 5 minute charts are the fastest. Practice until you feel comfortable with the time frame that suits you best. 1. Trade the Breakout The principle behind trading the breakout is to enter a trade when the price ‘breaks out' of a tight range, because often it tends to keep moving in the same direction. We use our Bollixing Bands on our charts to spot this trading opportunity. The second Transformed. Com trading technique uses the same principles, but is less extreme.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization Strategy Paper Research

Integrative Problems and Virtual Organization Strategy - Research Paper Example IPO. An initial public offering provides an opportunity for organizations to raise more capital which can be used to accomplish a myriad of business related activities such as doing market research and development, acquisitions, expansions, marketing or use it as working capital. In addition, organizations are able to gain access to a larger pool of customers and market. As a result, the public trading of the organizational shares automatically sets the value for the company’s share through the stock market (Bragg, 2009). This is advantageous to organizations as they can easily form mergers and acquisitions than when they are privately owned. Through an IPO organizations are able to attract talented, competent and dedicated employees by offering them stock incentive packages. Conversely, the IPO enables organizations to gunner investors’ confidence thereby their shares can readily trade in the stock market (Bragg, 2009). Therefore, a private company will manage to incre ase its wealth, scope of customers and investors by going public through an IPO. However, the process of offering an IPO is time consuming and quite expensive.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What are the major requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act What Research Paper

What are the major requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act What major amendments have been made to the act since it was pas - Research Paper Example This is because the natural water reservoirs in the most of the countries are not yet explored which preserves its freshness and cleanliness. However, as people seek for advancement, our natural resources including our water resources, are being exploited to the point that they are contaminated with harmful substances. Contamination of water supply triggers waterborne diseases (WHO, 2004). In this regard, more and more people are now concerned with the quality of water for future use, and whether there would be enough supply of potable water for the next generations. (Hrudey and Hrudey, 2004), Such awareness pushed different countries, as well as the World Health Organization, to create a law to protect and guide people in preserving and promoting safe drinking water (WHO, 2004). Safe drinking water has numerous uses. It is not just for drinking and cooking but also consumed for other domestic and personal activities, such as bathing. In the field of medicine, it is proven that water has many health benefits. Regular intake of such may prevent diseases like hypertension. That is why, most of the countries all over the world set guidelines intended to ensure the supply of safe drinking water amidst the contamination due to industrialization (WHO, 2004). In the United States, the concern on having safe and accessible drinking water pushed legislators to pass a law regarding the said matter which is commonly known as the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) (, 2011). The SDWA is a main federal law which ensures the quality and safety of American water supply from its natural reservoirs such as lakes, rivers, streams and the like. It provides standards for guaranteeing the supply of potable water. (, 2011). In this paper, SDWA will be further elaborated on, from the making up to the promulgation and amendments. The significant amendments and requirements set by the law will also be discussed (, 2011). Safe Drinking Water Act The Evolution of the Safe Drinking Water Act The earliest promulgated standard on the quality of drinking water dates back to 1914. Its objective is to prevent the transmission of communicable diseases in water supplies on interstate carriers. Though most of the states adopted the said standards, they are not strictly complied with. The guidelines were limited only to the contamination due to the bacteria and its count (Knotts, 1999). In 1925, an updated standard on the quality of the drinking water was released. The innovation is not anymore limited in providing the ideal bacteriological count in the water reservoirs. They also set limits for physical and chemical levels for lead, copper, zinc and excessive soluble materials (Devlin, 2011). Amendments from time to time were made in order to respond to the need to supply safe drinking water. In 1942, 1946, and in 1962, revisions spelled out guidelines for bacteriological sampling and permissible concentrations of arsenic, fluoride, selenium and copper (Devlin, 2011). Due to the increasing growth in population and economy, the demand for water increased. This triggered the people to procure water from contaminated sources. In a community study, it was found out that 41 percent of the 969 water systems that were surveyed did not comply with the standard set to ensure the quality of drinking water. This alarming result concluded that most of the Americans

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How the media portrays the Palestinian-Islaeli conflict, and what the Research Paper

How the media portrays the Palestinian-Islaeli conflict, and what the truth really is - Research Paper Example es that the international public has inadequate understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a consequence of their lack of factual knowledge. While many people lack any information at all about the origins of the conflict, it is evident that most of them are unable to identify the different actors and players in the conflict and therefore have limited or no understanding of what is actually going on in this conflict (Deprez and Karin, 187). The answer as to why public opinion on this long-time topic is so limited or there is significant lack of understanding of what is actually going on is inherent in the news production processes of the international media. The international media finds itself largely influenced by both Palestinian and Israeli lobbies and pressure groups that seek to distort the coverage to favor either side. Although it is unfair to hold the media solely responsible for the distorted public perceptions about the Palestine-Israel conflict, they play an important role in shaping public perception and opinion on international issues. In this light, this paper investigates the portrayal of the Palestinian- Israeli conflict in the media and the various factors that influence the coverage to favor either side. The paper tries to explore what is covered by the media and how it is presented vis-Ã  -vis the real situation on the ground or indeed the truth about the whole conflict so far. Most studies that have been carried out on media representation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict mainly concern the presence of contextual information, reporting on victims, the choice of labels for reporting, and the use of actors and sources from both sides of the conflict (Stein, 137). Almost all the studies reach the conclusion that the media represents the Israelis and Palestinians in different ways. Although the studies mostly highlight a bias in favor of Israeli, it must however be pointed out that the studies largely focused on the Israeli and US

Monday, August 26, 2019

Analysis of Pre-school in Three Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of Pre-school in Three Cultures - Essay Example Teacher and students repeat the date, day and whether aloud which gives them knowledge of their surroundings and time. Thus most of the time a child is doing something himself to learn and practice a new idea which helps to mature his mental modals about various real life phenomena. There is a 120 minute academic session with very little explicit academic instructions and children are supposed to learn by practice. The teacher encourages the children involvement in non-academic activities like singing, telling jokes and stories during these academic sessions. After lunch break the children are allowed to play all around the school where they learn through mutual interaction and cooperation. Teacher encourages unattended mutual resolution of disputes among children which instigate problem solving behavior among children. The teachers at Japanese pre-school have strong believe that problem solving and dispute resolutions, and empathy are important skills that a child learns through ear ly childhood fighting and interaction with other children. Thus finding a solution himself is constructive for his learning experience. Origami, a Japanese art of making shapes by folding paper is yet another way of constructive learning at pre-schools. Children learn the persistence when they encounter problems, cooperate with each other. According to teachers origami is an important tool in constructive learning. At Dong-feng pre-school and day care center in China, the principal thinks that it is good for children as they learn to interact with each other. In classrooms there are several activities like children sing songs and match wooden elements with drawing on a page. At Saint Timothy in Honolulu Hawaii children come and have free play before the school formally starts. The school... This paper stresses that behaviorism aims to bring measureable positive changes in children behaviors through practice and learning. Behavioral disobedience or rudeness are difficult to control and require a lot more methodical approach to address the actual issue behind any such behavioral problem. You may teach them to obey through self example of doing something good and polite repetition of tasks you designed to inculcate some basic learning outcomes in the children. The authos declares that a disciplined and self controlled behavior may help children to learn the skills of self control and disciple in the process. If child has some dispute with other child at play or learning area the American teacher encourage children to express their grievances instead hitting or entangling with each other. While in Japanese teacher encourages mutual resolution of disputes thus instigate problem solving behavior among children. This report makes a conclusion that constructive and behavioral techniques and methodologies in three countries best suit to their cultures. The approaches are hard learned and time tested therefore, more often than not any change is resisted strictly. However, in changing environment of modern societies these methods and techniques are required to be reviewed and revisited constantly to bring about the changes that may help to instigate more practical and applicable approaches towards inculcating constructiveness and behavioral upholding of the children. The best approach is to let children learn through personal experience and a display of exemplary behavior.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

OPS Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

OPS Assignment - Essay Example These steps include taking orders from the company, making a database of orders in his laptop, starting with the problem statements of the orders, analyzing the issues, writing sequence of steps to be taken for gathering of data, switching on the internet, searching for the required software modules, perform coding as per requirement of those software projects, testing them, making the document of the project which needed at least four hours, and in the end, deliver the ordered software projects to the company and getting paid for the successful accomplishment of the orders. Now, all these steps mentioned above take a very long time in order to get an order completed. Like he takes two orders per day in which one order requires coding and the other one requires just documentation. But the problem here is that he will start doing second project when he will get the first order completed. He spends at least ten hours to complete both orders. His personal life also gets affected due to this long duration. The thing is that he should make an efficient flowchart to get these orders completed spending less time. To accomplish this, he will have to hire an individual who has expertise in typing a proper document for the software projects. The flowchart he will use will start by getting orders from the company, saving the problems statements in the laptop, coming home, switching on the laptop, make two different folders for the project out of which one folder will contain the software which will require coding and the other one will contain the software which will require documentation. Now he will call the person whom he has hired for documenting the project. While he will perform coding for the first software, the other person will start documenting the other software which will reduce the time to complete two orders. In this way, both the orders will get completed simultaneously within six hours instead of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Everyday Playtime for Adults by Zamora Dulce Essay

Everyday Playtime for Adults by Zamora Dulce - Essay Example In the modern business world, people create activities for people to spend their time and resources on in their free time or after work. Dulce Zamora explores the concept of leisure and its meaning to adults. According to Zamora, there are some inherent benefits of adults including leisure time and activities in their lives. Similarly, there are some negative impacts of not including leisure time in adults’ lives. Additionally, some factors determine the choice of play or leisure activities that will satisfactorily suit people’s plans and produce the most benefits to an individual. Discussion This discussion will investigate the concept of leisure as discussed by Dulce Zamora, and outline some of the discussed benefits and limitations of including, or not including leisure time and activities in adults’ lives. Zamora recalls of childhood behavior, activities and the role they play in the refreshing human mind. For instance, he says, â€Å"Remember creating mud p ies as a child? Think of, how slimy the damp mud sensed between your fingers, and how you enjoyed designing the parties,† (Dillard 5). Alternatively, how about the moment you cycled your bicycle for hours about your environs, halting only when you felt exhausted. Although, the moments of extreme fun when one could move around without restrictions may appear far away, and imaginary with the present day’s never-ending list of activities to perform, it may be achievable to bring back most of the childhood fun and enjoyment and integrate it into today’s adult busy schedules. Before wondering out how to incorporate leisure time into the busy schedules, it may aid to realize what you are attempting to fix, (Charlotte 10). Experts suggest that, for anything to be attractive and pleasurable, freedom of choice and the view of control are crucial aspects. For instance, an individual who loves cooking of gourmet may not find enjoyment in making a meal that he feels attached into doing. Similarly, individuals who feel they should fix leisure time into their schedules may be hitting the goal. Dingwell argues that individuals tend to go to extremities and fill even their vacation time with multiple activities and tasks they believe they should take part in, for instance sports, parties and other social activities. Instead of concentrating on the crucial activities, they recommend for ways, to relax, and having sympathy for ourselves. Leisure time, according to Dingwell, is all about checking in and realizing that the questions below may aid determine whether an event is an appropriate thing to participate in now. Will the activity energize me? Will the activity put me in a place or state where I will feel better and relax? Will I just feel it as an obligation? The solution to most of these questions involves knowing oneself better, whether one is a social person, or a person who cherishes settings that are more intimate. In addition, it will entail reali zing whether one cherishes participating in softball, watching movies or opera, or working out crossword puzzles. The significant part is that one is participating in something that is intrinsically enjoyable to him, and not doing it because of other motives like guilt, reward or social class. For instance, a little kid who is shaping mud patties is doing it because she delights herself in the activity and for no other motives. Howard argues that the right level motivation is also crucial to enjoyment. For example, if an individual who loves to figure out crossword puzzles derives the hints extremely calmly, the person may get discouraged with it.

Friday, August 23, 2019

SAM 445 UNIT 1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

SAM 445 UNIT 1 - Assignment Example There are four managerial functions an Athletic Director utilizes when planning activities for a football program. These are decision-making, planning, directing operational activities, and controlling. Planning as a managerial function in accounting perspective ensures efficient communication of the football program that outlines the goals of the university. Effective planning is achieved through budgeting process based on decisions made by managers. The budgets outline sources or inflows of economic resources as well as the uses of economics of the institution. Controlling function is a function achieved by measuring performance, comparing the real performance with the budgets and taking action where required. There are different approaches for analyzing performance. Performance will be equated to the number of wins acquired by the institution form the football games. However the process of determining the persons who performed well sounds challenging. The challenge lies among the persons to be given credit; coach, manager or the team. Poor performance is evaluated from the number of lost football games, the number of head coach fired and such like. The challenge worth argument in case of matches lost form football games is the person to be evaluated. Does the coach win or lose the games or is the team responsible for the

Ethics and Business Corruption. Siemens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ethics and Business Corruption. Siemens - Essay Example In this incident, Nick Lesson lost over $1.3 billion through engaging in speculative investments targeting future contracts while operating in the bank’s office in Singapore. The different business ethics theories will be evaluated with a reflection of these two scandals to evaluate to what extent the malpractices can be related to the theories. These include the theories of Utilitarianism, Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, Shareholder value theory VS stakeholder theory and egoism among other theories (Slater, 2008). The unethical behavior in the Siemens saga with the Greece government involved advanced levels of corruption and bribery affecting both the two parties. Siemens advanced bribes of over $100 million to the government official’s in order to be awarded the contracts in the short run and secure a chance to control the country’s electronic market. Virtues and ethical reasoning places a lot of consideration on a person’s individual character to chose the best way of performing a task in a way devoid of ethical issues. Utilitarian ethical theory compares the cost benefits ratio of a given management decision with the benefits that can be derived from such with little or no cost impacts (Matussek, 2008). This theory however does not comprehensively evaluate the situation within Siemens as it considers the gains of the decision. Any actions made by the management of the company thus affect the ethical values of the people and erodes the public confidence in it. The manage rs’ value according to this theory serves as model to other employees of the organization (Dietz and Nicole, 2012). The actions taken by a single individual can also be analysed using the utilitarianism theory to help weigh whether the consequences can be bad or good. Such an angle can be used to critically evaluate the events of baring bank and how the actions of Leeson led to the death and closure of one of London’s best merchant banks. The actions of Leeson can be considered as foreclosure as he preempted the value of contracts and invested in them hoping to raise more benefits from such an action (Mitchell, 2000). Leeson’s actions when considered in isolation can be shown as an example of utilitarian as foreclosure in this situation caused more damage and pain as compared to foreclosing. Foreclosing can however be considered as the ethical behavior of banks as they rely on this to lend money to customers and make gains from the refunds. The action of Leeson provided less social good to the business and the stakeholders and is thus considered as unethical based on utilitarian theory (Slater, 2008). The main source of unethical allegations that were levied against Siemens stemmed from lack of proper knowledge of international ethical code of conduct. Most of these claims involved Russia and Siemens German, reflecting the different social backgrounds of the two countries as highlighted in the utilitarianism theory. Bribery is considered highly unethical because it does not provide equal opportunities for other players in the industry. This applies to the German culture, a situation which cannot be reflected in Russia (Becker, 2009). This bribery case was handled by the securities and exchange commission of the United States in 2007 due to a scheme in which a $1 billion government contract in Argentina was cancelled due to the cases of bribery. This case was also blamed on the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Studying Language Variation in Singapore Essay Example for Free

Studying Language Variation in Singapore Essay This paper is a study of code-switching in one Singaporean Chinese household (my own). It will consider the hypothesis that age correlates significantly with proficiency and/or usage of more than one code. To test this hypothesis, three subjects, from the household, reflecting three different generations have had their speech recorded. The subjects S1, S2 and S3 are my grandfather, my uncle and my cousin respectively. General information on the subjects such as their ages, occupations and medium of education can be found in Table 1 (see appendix). Data Collection The data for this study was collected through tape recording of spontaneous conversations during a relaxed and informal family gathering held at an aunts house. Extracts from the recordings were then appropriately selected for analysis such that they will help quantify the nature and number of code-switches. In order to keep as close as possible to actual language usage, all unnatural instances of code alternation, such as deliberate code-switching resulting from an over-consciousness of the tape-recorded or a wish to impress, were excluded. Basic Terminology Code-switching is the case of multilingual speakers making switches between different languages or varieties depending on audience, setting and purpose; or the juxtaposition within the same speech exchange of passages of speech belonging to two different grammatical systems or sub-systems (Gumperz 1982: 59) The verbal repertoire of each subject, including the different languages or varieties they speak, can be found in Table 1 as well (see appendix). Subject 1: Grandfather (Age: 69) My grandfather can speak more than 4 different varieties- Teochew, Mandarin, English, Malay and most of the other Chinese dialects. Teochew is the dominant Chinese dialect which my grandfather speaks. He is very proficient in Teochew and uses it most of the time, with family members of the 1st (grandmother) and 2nd (father, mother, uncles, aunts) generations. He uses the other Chinese dialects only with his friends of a different dialect group or when talking to hawkers or shopkeepers. He communicates with the 3rd generation (myself, cousins) in Mandarin and sometimes in English, which he is not very proficient in. He uses Malay only when speaking to the maid, as she is from Indonesia and can only understand minimal English and no other languages or dialects. In my recordings, I found that he only switched between 4 of the varieties- Teochew, Mandarin, English and Malay. I suppose it was not necessary to speak in any other Chinese dialect because it was a family gathering. Speaking mainly Teochew, he code-switched quite frequently, but not as much as S2. The nature of the switches was mainly, but not solely, due to his interlocutor. I will discuss the various factors further.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Developing An Effective Management And Leadership Commerce Essay

Developing An Effective Management And Leadership Commerce Essay Leadership and management efforts are crucial to the development of business strategies of companies. Basically, a lot of companies turned to bankruptcy not only because of the environmental factors but because they neglected leadership and management efforts (Hormozi, Hostetler, Middleton, 2003). With this, OSIM was chosen due to the steady growth of the company from humble beginnings as a kitchen appliance trading company to its global footprint-having a wide point of sales network (OSIM Ltd., 2011). This made the company an exciting and interesting case study. Furthermore, in view of the current economic climate where businesses are failing and where competitors are aggressive, it is important to understand from the business trend whether OSIM is capable to meet to the future challenges. As the industry expects more competition and the entry of more players, it would be interesting to see how well prepared the company is both financially and strategically to reinforce its global presence and continue to be the market leader in this industry. Corporate Profile, Mission, Vision and Goals of OSIM  [1]   OSIM International Ltd was believed a global leader in healthy lifestyle products. The company was originally founded by Ron Sim in Singapore in 1980 (OSIM Ltd., 2011). During that time OSIM was under the name of R Sim Trading, an electrical and household appliance company (OSIM Ltd., 2011). Using their small start-up capital, the company engages with the promotion of household products such as knife sharpeners, knife and mobile clothes drying rods. Apparently, in 1989, the company listed with the name Health Check and Care, and later on shifted their main focus to healthy lifestyle products. The time following this created great development for the company, and it manages to produce outlets in Indonesia, Malaysia and in Hong Kong (AsiaPulse News, 2002). The companys vision was to become the global leader in healthy life style products whereas their mission was to challenge the spirit of their clients. The goal of the company was to bring the healthy lifestyle to their consumers (Business Times-Malaysia, 2003 and New Straits Times, 2003). Financial Standing  [2]   In Figure 1, the OSIM International Ltds 2009 revenues grew by 1% from 62% in 2008 to 63% in 2009. This is also created significant increase in terms of selling, general and administrative costs resulting to the decline of the net income from a gain of 21% in 2008 to a gain of 5% in 2009. From the record of OSIMs balance sheet (see Appendix), the company actually suffers from profit decline due to the effect of global recession (Offers Style: New OSIM Store Now Open, 2004). Figure 1. OSIMs Profit and Turnover Source: Osim International Ltd., 2009 As seen in Figure 1, the 2007 and 2009 performance is expressive compared in 2008. From these results, we can deviate that OSIM was not performing well in 2008 as compared to their expressive 2007 and 2009. Despite of some downturns in 2008 due to the global business crisis, the year 2010 shows interesting trend. From the gathered information, it is expected that in 2010 both the revenue and net income of OSIM will be constantly moving upward (See Appendix for complete details). OSIMs PESTLE Analysis Political Conditions political influences include government stability, taxation policy, foreign trade regulations and social welfare policies (Davies, Lam, 2001). The political situation of Hong Kong is very stable now or even in the knowing future, all of these are provided by its stable and high visibility law (CIA Worldfact 2011). This will assure OSIM and other foreign businesses that the political condition of Hong Kong will help them to have a stable operation in area. Actually, the corruption-free government with score 8.4 in transparency index, excellent political condition and highly developed and competent infrastructure of Hong Kong have caught the attention of investments from more than 7,000 multinational corporations from the United States, Japan, and Europe (Transparency International, 2010). Economics- Hong Kong is an attractive market for medical home care technology makers and the newest trends. The opening of OSIM and the growth of medical home care technologies is supporting the demand for health services in Hong Kong. OSIM does not worry that the legislation could severely set back their most effective marketing (New Straits Times, 2003). Actually, Hong Kong is a highly developed and successful free-market economy. As of 2010 Economic Indicators, the CPI or the consumer price index of Hong Kong is 128 with Annual Inflation Rate of 0.45 (CIA Worldfact, 2011). Hong Kong has also 4.3% (2010 est.) unemployment rate with the GDP of $224.1 billion (2010 est.) (CIA Worldfact, 2011). Actually, Hong Kong enjoys an outstandingly open and corruption-free background, stable prices, and a per capita GDP higher than that of most developed countries. The economy depends heavily on exports, particularly in consumer electronics, information technology products, pharmaceuticals, and on a growing financial services sector (CIA Worldfact, 2011). Real GDP growth averaged 2.3% in 2008, but contracted -2.7% in 2009 as a result of the global financial crisis but in 2010 an expressive 6.8% was computed (CIA Worldfact, 2011). As seen, there are lot of foreign businesses found in almost all sectors of the economy of Hong Kong. Basically, more than two-thirds of manufacturing contribution and direct export sales are provided by foreign business, although there are services sectors that remain ruled by government-linked businesses (CIA Worldfact, 2011). Social cultural In terms of social aspect, OSIM is quite in advantage in Hong Kong considering that the standards of living of people in destinations served by OSIM is good and most of them have the capacity to pay for their home healthcare technology needs. However, OSIM still needs to consider the tastes and lifestyles of people especially, their willingness to buy technology-based home care products (New Straits Times, 2004) since Hong Kong consumers could prefer traditional medicine or Chinese physician rather than high tech equipment. But because of the advent of new technologies in any setting, this is a good timing for OSIM to grab the opportunity (Barton, Newell, Wilson, 2002). The nature of its workforce is also part of external environment of OSIM whereas the Hong Kong citizen are able to cope with the changes implemented in OSIM. Technological Today, e-business has become an integral part of operations in any business industry, with ultimate objectives of not only achieving cost saving but also generating additional revenue (Hormozi, Hostetler, Middleton, 2003). Beyond to enhance their current product line, their further investment should be focus on improving and incorporating appropriate new technology. In Hong Kong, OSIM implemented and ambitious to become Asias leading Home Health-care products manufacturer and distributor. Legal As with any other business industry of the world, there are rules and regulations that restrict or support the facilitation of the business in the Home Health-care products market in the areas where OSIM operates (New Straits Times, 2004). Environmental There are currently no major environmental issues faced by the OSIM in Hong Kong considering that Home Health-care products are not only good for people but also to our environment (New Straits Times, 2004). OSIMs SWOT Analysis With respect to the given information in the company website, the following presentation will show the SWOT analysis of OSIM. Actually, SWOT analysis can provide a framework for identifying and analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threat (Feist, Heely, Lu, Nersesian, 1999). Adapted from: TOWS Matrix From the SWOT presented the TOWS matrix for OSIMs operation in Hong Kong is made. External Opportunities (O) External Threats (T) 1. Improve and increase the market of the business 2. Growth of the companys subsidiaries. 3. Increased customer loyalty. 4. International consumer reach through the use of e-commerce or internet marketing 1. Emergence of highly competitive company. 2. Economic downturn. 3. Escalating prices of main materials and products. Internal Strengths (S) SO Focus on various promotion strategies to improve market. Offering excellent products to achieve customer loyalty and excellent customer association ST Strong reputation and resources of OSIM to draw industrial knowledge which can perk up customers confidence in considering product. Consideration of joint venture and sustainable merger and acquisition to improve and expand market portfolio in other parts of the globe. Enhancing home healthcare products and services to meet the need of the target market. 1. Good Customer relationship 2. Diversified products and services offered to different customers in the international contexts Internal Weaknesses (W) WO Managing financial resource effectively to minimise weaknesses Improving customer reach by joining various business ventures. WT Applying strategic management structure to gain shareholders and stakeholders trusts Investing in information technology infrastructure Enhancing brand loyalty though customer satisfaction. 1. Inability to manage financing sources 2. Limited access to international markets. Adopted from: Porters Five Forces of OSIM A Five-Force model (Ali, 1993) was conducted in the context of the global home health care industry . Despite being a market leader, OSIM is not yet resting on its laurels of success, but instead, continuously innovating and developing their company in order to maintain what it has managed to achieve up to this time. The following identifies the five forces of OSIM: Industry Competitors- In the global business industry, regulatory and technological changes are the major factors, making ingrained reasonable strategies outdated and controls the creation and progress of new products, strategies, processes, and public policies in the industry (Leuz, Pfaff, Hopwood, 2004). Basically, there are numerous home health care players in the industry, included in the list is OSIM, who strive for market leadership in all their business aspects. As such, the level of industry competition is very stiff and very aggressive. Potential Entrants- Natural barriers to entry in the global home health care industry include the need for capital investment, human resources, and technology and the importance of economies of scale. It also includes the role of contracting costs avoided by a close relationship between the vendor and its client, which in turn is related to the avoidance of opportunistic behaviour by either party. Buyers Home health-care products have a long historya history rich in product diversity, international scope, and, above all, continuous change and adaptation. These competitive changes have forced adaptations, and in general have improved the level and efficiency offer to clients, thereby increasing transactional volume. Coupled with these, the customers have become informed concerning home-health care products that OSIM-like companies offer. Suppliers- The suppliers to this industry are mainly the providers of technology and materials in home health-care firms use in the conduct of their businesses. Substitutes -There is a high level of substitutes for the healthy and lifestyle products industry, evidenced by the numerous numbers of major players in the global market. The cost to transfer to another beauty firm is also relatively low, so the substitution rate is pretty high. Grand Strategy Matrix Adapted from: In terms of grand differentiation strategy of the company, OSIM belong to the market in which the growth was slow. However, the company was the leading business in this industry that defines their strong competitive position. Differentiation Strategy In order to place OSIM as a leader in Home Healthcare Products, there should be a so-called differentiation strategy that clearly identifies why OSIM is different from other brands. The differentiation strategy of OSIM was based on their: Wide experience in home health care market as they have been in the business for almost 42 years now, their directors can consider their experience in operating venture as strength (OSIM Ltd., 2011). Reasonable price offerings of products and services- since they able to keep their overheads low, this allows them to have better control of their prices. This is considered strength because naturally, people would look for a reasonably-priced place to stay in that equally do not sacrifice service and product quality (OSIM Ltd., 2011). Already has developed a good reputation for value for money since they have been operating for great number of years, they already have built a name for themselves, attracting a number of loyal customers along the way (OSIM Ltd., 2010). Good industry skills the directors of different divisions of OSIM are natural for the business that they ventured into, both being outgoing and friendly, the most important public relation skills that clients look for (OSIM Ltd., 2011). The Boston Consulting Group Approach (BCG Matrix) There are 9 important business units for the OSIM, which are grouped according to the city or country that their operation is located: Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Canada, UAE and USA. Figure 1 BCG Matrix Adapted from: Cash Cow a business element that has a great market share in a fully grown and slow growing industry. Thus, it requires a small investment and produces cash that can be used in other business (QuickMBA 2007). Malaysia is the only business unit that was included in the said category. This is because OSIM is considered as one of the most prominent and famous home health-care products distributor. Above all, one of the most important aspects to be considered is the number of competitors in the country. Star a business element that has a huge market share in a swift rising business. This business unit generates cash, however, due to the rapid growth of the market, they require investment in order maintain the lead of a specific company (QuickMBA 2007). Hong Kong and Singapore are the two business units which included in the said category. OSIM is considered as one of the first home health care products manufacturer and distributor in the world, particularly in Hong Kong and Singapore. Because of that, OSIM had been able to gain competitive advantage, in terms of image towards the Chinese, Singaporeans and foreign visitors. However, because of the growing economy of the said cities, it had resulted to the growing number of players in the industry, thus pushed OSIM Hong Kong and Singapore to focus on different strategic plan and implementation that will maintain their competitive advantage. Question Mark or Problem Child a business component that has a little market share in a lofty increasing market. A problem child requires resources in order to grow market share, however, the fact if they will be successful and become stars is not sure (QuickMBA 2007). Canada, China and Indonesia are the three business units that were included in the said category. In China, OSIM has a small share in the market because of the extensive competition, primarily from the local players in the area. The said situation is the same in Canada. On the other hand, the OSIM was included in the said category because; the hotel was one of the newly developed hotels of the group. Dog a business component that has a little market share in a grown-up industry. UAE, Taiwan and USA are three of business units that belong to the said category. The reason behind the said analysis is because of the fact that UAE, Taiwan and USA are considered as three of the most prominent cities in the world. Thus, there are different huge companies that have already started their operations in there. Although it is important to consider that a dog may not required substantial cast, it is connected to the capital that could be better be deployed elsewhere, however in the case of the OSIM UAE, Taiwan and USA, it is considered as strategic purpose of the group in order to introduce their brand in the West and some parts of Asia. OSIMs Leadership: Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM) OSIM OMRON SANYO Critical Success Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Rating Weighted Score Market share 0.30 3 0.90 2 0.60 2 0.60 Price Competitiveness 0.25 4 1.00 3 0.75 3 0.75 Financial position 0.20 3 0.60 3 0.60 2 0.40 Product quality 0.10 2 0.20 2 0.20 3 0.30 Consumer loyalty 0.15 3 0.45 2 0.30 3 0.45 Total 1.00 3.15 2.45 2.50 Adapted from: With regards to competitive profile matrix, OSIM became a leader and surpasses their top competitors OMRON and Sanyo. Actually, OSIM leads the victory in terms of market share and price competitiveness. The said key factors are OSIMs edge against their competitors considering that their primary markets are located in Singapore, Hong Kong and currently no company poses a significant threat to them as a major competitor (Osim International Ltd. 2009). The company believed that they have the have a competitive edge over their competitors in their primary markets as their extensive distribution network of outlets is dedicated to home health-care products. As part of the business development of the company, they currently exercise the full power over their point-of-sales system and utter to the distribution chain how to sell and not only what to sell (Osim International Ltd. 2009). Furthermore, OSIM also control their supply chain, from the design of the products up to the distribution an d marketing of the products. In general, the company considers Sanyo and Omron as their competitors. Overall Recommendation for Future Development For the success and future development of OSIM, it is recommended that internal condition must be considered. Basically, the most important to consider was the human factor as it is the heart thats drive the company. Having the right culture and people to create conducive environment, and be lead by strong visionary leaders and champion management that capable to manage its people and process. The external condition on the other hand, as shown in the PESTLE analysis must be also considered. With strong and stable external environment will contribute for the need to change strategic option. Furthermore, the full support from our Group and re-alignment with our other Hub is important without it its impossible to achieve the vision and mission. In terms of financial aspect all strategic option should involve financial investment that in term will bring cost benefit and growth. Especially in its market development by acquisition potential BPO that is more desirable and can bring in capit al and value to OSIM. Apparently, in order to cope with the change the organization structure also need to realign and change. Especially in its organic growth, where having the right type of people and culture is the key to success. It structure management is important to execute the strategic option. Moreover, external market trend is more into technology with faster and reliable system. With high speed connectivity the market had been more competing and broaden it market widely. As seen each strategic option has very own risk but with stern control and better risk management can mitigate any potential risk and minimize the impact. For continues success of the company, OSIM must also consider change management that will be the potential barrier since OSIM is still in it comfort zone. By doing an organisational development and learning it can identify the risk and overcome the barrier of change. OSIM is passionate with customer importance and makes every effort to be an all-weather umbrella to its clients, by considering diverse strategies for varying situations. It had to branch out in order to equate revenue and expenditure, reduce risk and stay profitable, with an equal importance in its ability to anticipate change. The business of OSIM has begun a strategy of major expansion and growth with one clear objective, which is to establish themselves as one of the worlds top distributor of Home Health care products, and these strategies are based around a philosophy of organic growth and a transition towards becoming a client-oriented business. With this detail, the business must go on to find innovative software programs and relate effectively to other companies that produce these software programs to become updated with the latest improvement in the World Wide Web. The business must economically and efficiently generate a good connection with their clientele and shareholders, to incessantly operate. OSIM must constantly conceptualise and execute good projects to be able to set trends in the industry. Apart from developing business strategies, the business have to focus on building employee and customer associations, in harmony to strategic management concepts, for it is necessary to establish and focus on the needs of the clientele, as clientele are the motive for being alive in the business. In the end, businesses engaged so much in technology has its share of good and bad impacts, socially, economically and even environmentally. In addition, it has to be noted that retailing of home health care products is not one industry but many. Hence, the achievement of sustainable special intention business or its continual development for the collective benefits of the world, may therefore depend on a change in strategy and planning of the industry in order to identify common ground more easily, and to exploit further returns without sacrificing the one that lays the golden egg, in manner of speaking. All said, future research may have to focus on participatory planning involving business, governments, host communities and campaigners with a greater view to common ground. OSIMs Leadership and Management: An Evaluation In this project, I learned I lot of things when it comes to leadership, management and handling a business. I learned that to sustain the development of a certain business, they should not only frequently review the value of portfolio but also the overall business practices and movement in the global market. To become a global leader, businesses should positioned on fast-growing chances, whether geologically or through market segment by selecting and investment in businesses with long-term tail-wind profiles. In reflecting OSIMs case, there are numerous business management and leadership strategies that can be use in order to maintain business progress and development. All these efforts are conducted to ensure that the welfare of the business organization is preserved along with aims and goals toward sustainable organizational success and development. The fact remains that there are always unexpected as well as unintended risk environments that cannot be controlled by the members of the management executives and staff of business organizations. As such it is important to consider the faculty, benefits as well as advantages of implementing and utilizing strategic management, tools and techniques. At the level and global hazards present in the current business market environments, it is wise to ensure that the image and overall well-being of the business organization is constantly protected. These are possible through strategic use and application of company policies from which the company will benefit. I also learned in this project that the business process and practice in terms of business management strategies clearly indicated the importance of management in averting and entirely preventing detrimental business chaos that economies may bring to business organizations. In the case of OSIM, it is evident that strategic management are highly influential in the formulation of business strategies. It was taken into account that any business and financial endeavour that will be implemented by business organizations should be assessed and evaluated using the existing company policies that are greatly influenced by the precautionary management. Conclusion The strategies of OSIM focus more on the management and access of information rather the creation of irrelevant services and products. For this reason, OSIM has developed a unique set of guiding principles simplicity, cost-efficiency and effectiveness. Total commitment to these principles makes the products of OSIM very user-friendly to its customers. OSIM was able to attain and extensive market leadership through various acquisition deals over the years even there is a stiff competition in the market. The strategies of OSIM are focused mostly on powerful growth of its home health care products and services and getting better the companys financial feat. These innovations have also helped protected major acquisitions and partnerships. Significantly, these innovations have guided to the discharge of the potentials of the companys workforce, thus creating an excellence performance-based background. On the other hand, OSIMs strategies in the home health care and technology industry enhanced at the beginning of the new millennium and commenced on trailing and inventing products differentiation. With this, the differentiated home health care products of OSIM were able to please the customers and sustain their needs in accordance to the context of sustainable competitive advantage. This also justified that the bargaining power of their customer is high while the treat of their substitute and new entrant is low because of their extensive efforts in maintaining the quality of their products. Moreover, this allowed OSIM to review and decrease the prices of their products and as an alternative focused on the values that produced not only a moderately higher price but also a improved margin since these things could help to avoid business downfall.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Operations Management At New Belgium Brewing Business Essay

Operations Management At New Belgium Brewing Business Essay In 1991 after Jeff Lebesch was not able to get a loan from the bank he started a beer brewing company with his wife Kim Jordon is the basement of their home with only a small capital investment. They delivered their beer in their station wagon. With the profits they generated their company soon outgrew the besetment, and moved to another location in a railroad depot, and finally in 1995 they built a state of the art custom facility which cost $21.5 million. They spent $11.5 million on a 55,000 square foot building, and $10 million on new equipment. Until 2005 NBBs most effective form of advertising has been word of mouth. Indeed before New Belgium beers were widely distributed throughout Colorado, one liquor store owner in Telluride is purported to have offered people gas money if they would stop by and pick up New Belgium on their way through Ft. Collins. While NBBC has not deviated from its original principles, the methods and people who operate the brewery have become more formal and professional. Production managers and continuous-improvement experts from outside the craft-brewing community have been recruited. As they reshape the manufacturing practices and identify projects with the best returns and highest impact, theyre careful not to squelch staff involvement. By starting in there basement as a small company they were able to focus on the quality of the beer rather than the quantity of it. New Belgium ensures that quality at the plant is monitored closely. Through the process the quality of the inputs as they are transformed is examined. Quality assurance is a critical element of the operations management. However it is difficult and a challenge to maintain a consistent product. The quality of the product should never suffer as a result of the size of the company. When a company is large it is more important than ever that the quality of the product stays the same, because the product is sold to more people. At New Belgium the entire process form receiving the hops, to brewing, and bottling is monitored constantly, to insure that the product is at the highest quality. Even though the quality of the inputs change, the quality of the product should not change. They maximize productivity by fully utilizing their technology. New Belgium closel y monitors the quality at the plant. The new technology will continue to be efficient, high tech, and environmentally friendly. implementing a compassionate business model that aims to steward the resources of Earth and nourish its employees, New Belgium has also been successful in maintaining healthy financials. They like to say that they are profitable, not in spite of their social and environmental efforts, but because of them. Sustainable production is not merely a feel-good effort; its a pocketbook issue for NBBCs 350 workers: After one year of employment with the company, the employees become employee-owners. All employees are considered area leaders, and everyone is responsible for ensuring that the quality remains high. The employees of New Belgium own 43% of the company through their Employee Stock Ownership Plan or ESOP. While giving employees ownership in the company sets the foundation for an engaged workforce, the real connections occur beyond the Share Statements.  T he reason for New Belgiums success are the companies Purpose and Core Values Beliefs Coupled with the structure and support at the executive level, employee engagement is the key ingredient in High Involvement Culture.  With their employees connected to the key functions of the business, They solicit ideas from over 300 unique perspectives.  This helps the brewery to operate more intelligently while recognizing everyones unique gifts.  These are the practices they have used to build New Belgiums distinctive culture. New Belgium opens all of the books to it employs and provides financial training so people can understand the business of doing business.  At monthly All-Staff meetings they review the financials, and employees have the opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback.  Each employee makes decisions in his or her role that affects New Belgiums profitability, whether it is about a capital expansion project or leaving a faucet running while they wash their ha nds.  It all adds up.  When a employee is connected to the higher purpose of the company and educated on the financial outcomes of their actions, they are empowered to make decisions that benefit the business as a whole. Trusting each other with this level of detail also helps us to feel appreciated, empowered, and ultimately more fulfilled. These practices galvanize coworkers to be engaged in New Belgium, to claim the companys Core Values and Beliefs which call them to honor nature at every turn of the business as their own.   What is good for the environment is ultimately good for business. They dont want to leave the faucet running or the lights turned on because it costs money and natural resources.  Ã‚  In addition to the practices which promote High Involvement Culture, they also work to engage employees in environmental stewardship.   The first two beers that they produced were Fat Tire, and Abbey, which are still sold today. The new building will feature an automated, high-speed bottling line which will increase output to 700 bottles a minute compared to the 300 bottles a minute. The current production is at 400,000 barrels per year, with expansion that is expected to increase up to 800,000 barrels per year. Since 2008, they have opened up distribution in 7 new states:   Georgia, North Carolina, North Dakota, Indiana, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Tennessee.  Added to their existing states of distribution (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Tennessee, Washington and Wyoming), New Belgium now sells beer in 26 states, but all of this beer is brewed in Fort Collins, Colorado. New Belgium receives numerous e-mails and phone calls everyday inquiring when it will be available elsewhere. In 1995 when the Philanthropy program was conceived, they began donating 1 dollar for every barrel of beer produced to non-profit organizations in the communities where they do business.  Since its inception, New Belgium Brewing has donated more than $2.5  million through our Philanthropy program. There coworkers have also donated many volunteer hours to non-profits organizations in the region. There coworkers are given one hour of (paid time off) for every two hours they volunteer with philanthropic organizations. Question 2 Why is it important to engage employees in ownership to enhance quality and efficiency? In todays economy, brewing fine ale and creating a valued trademark in the competitive brewing industry is a hard task to achieve. You need to ensure uniform quality in the countless bottles you produce, have dedicated and hardworking staff to ensure smooth and efficient operations, and always look for better methods of exceeding the consumers expectations. New Belgium Brewery understands this, and came up with a simple solution that would ensure all of these points are met. After one year employment at New Belgium, an employees status is upgraded to employee-owner and they are rewarded with company shares. New Belgium realized that the pros of making their employees into owners were countless. The promotion alone insures employees coming into work motivated to do their assigned duties to their full potential, and creates a more productive work environment with everyone focused on meeting the same goals. The incentive being that if the business does well, their pay increases. With this incentive, employees will ensure the quality of the beer is exceptional and will strive to exceed standards; this helps maintain the companys vision in creating higher quality brews. The employee-owner incentive program used at New Belgium not only gives the company a competitive edge with enhanced quality but also aids in employee retention which in turn reduces the costs of hiring and training employees. Now, not only does New Belgium have hard working, dedicated employees, they have a large workforce concentrated on how to improve the business. As part owners, an employee can bring up any idea on what could make the company sell more, produce more, or in some cases what needs to be fixed and how it could be done. It wouldnt matter what department you are in, if you had an innovative idea on how to help the company, you have the ability to voice your ideas to senior management. For example, if they produce new ale with a full smooth taste yet is somehow not selling as much as it should; the marketing team could have overlooked the fact that their ales label could be mistaken for a crude picture, employees who have no knowledge of marketing could set up a meeting and bring light to the marketing misstep as the probable cause for lack of sales. We believe there is still one additional reason why New Belgium has made this decision. A major problem companies have is creating an integrated workforce where the issues and concerns employees have may not be correctly handled. New Belgium has ensured the safety of the companys business and the happiness of employees by introducing employee-owners. It also thwarted the possibility of added costs from employees who would have to use walk-outs or union representation to be heard by their managers. The question most businesses ask is why should you give employees partial ownership? Yet New Belgium proves that it should be, why would you cripple your business by not? Question 3 What does alternatively empowered mean to you? After reviewing the information provided by the New Belgium Brewery website, I have come to view alternatively empowered as a means of giving back to the environment b y stressing conservation and including environmental responsibility in the strategic planning process. In todays modern industrial society, companies who grow bigger usually do so at the cost of the environment, because in most cases as companies grow the costs related to environmental stewardship increases as well. On the other hand New Belgium Breweries continues to expand at an impressive pace; their ranking in the US Beer industry has been getting better and better as they age, while their growth has been ahead by at least 1% in comparison to other craft brewing companies in the industry, all the while keeping their carbon footprint at a low. This is what being alternatively empowered means. Comment on what New Belgium Beliefs are related to being Environmental Stewards. The New Belgium Beliefs are eight guidelines that define what environmental stewardship means to the company. More specifically in terms of what New Belgium believes it has to do as a company to considered environmental stewards. These include caring for the environment. Minimizing waste, so that the minimum amounts of natural resources are wastefully used, and reducing dependence on non environmental friendly methods of electricity, through means of self generating power and purchasing clean wind power. Conservatively using the rocky mountain water resources. Maximize conservation and efficiency. Increase use of new technologies. To make environmentalism a fun way of doing things and not the hard or costly manner of doing things. New Belgium Brewery is working towards achieving these guidelines through there alternatively empowered efforts. They have nine efforts that incorporate these guidelines. These include increasing efficiency by using new technologies such as Steineckers Merlin, which reuses the energy from the last batch in the next in the form of heat. They try to minimize the use of lighting by taking advantage of three hundred and sixty days of sunlight and the cooling needs are satisfied through evaporative cooling rather than electricity guzzling compressors. They also use wastewater treatment to reduce load on environment and get by products. This process also provides them with a source of electricity. By making environmental decisions only with the consensus of the employees they ensure that nobody feels they are being forced to do something that they do not want to. (New Belgium Brewery, 2010) In the subsection entitled Alternatively Empowered Efforts, Choose two of the efforts and discuss how they fit into overall sustainability mandate of the company as outlined in the 2007 sustainability reports Letters from the Sustainability Director. One of the most important factors discussed in the directors letter is that though they claimed that the energy used by them is 100% wind generated it is instead less than half and this will change through their efforts. The two efforts most closely linked to this mandate are the following: On-Site Energy Production Any industry today requires a large amount of electricity to operate and it is next to impossible to get all of it from wind generated sources as they are not so readily available and costly. On-Site Energy production would reduce the demand for electricity from outside sources and thus enable the company to meet more of its energy requirements from wind powered sources. This method of energy production reduces electricity intake by 15%, thus bringing their level of wind powered sources to more than 50%, which with further improvements could go higher. Wind-Powered Electricity since 1999 An important factor is the agreement signed with the Colorado government in 1998, which meant the company would be supplied as much power as possible through wind generation even though the cost would be more. This agreement allowed the government to put up more wind turbines, thus increasing the power available through wind generated sources, which is another step towards the mandate provided by the director. (Orgolini, 2007) Question 4 Do you think New Belgiums focus on environmental responsibility and sustainability in its production process is a major cost or a benefit that enhances the profits of the company? The New Belgium brewery website states that they are profitable not in spite of our social and environmental efforts but because of them (New Belgium Brewery, 2010); the following paper aims to illustrate this statement by describing how their conservation efforts have enhanced the profits and brand image of the company. New Belgium is the third largest regional craft brewery with production steadily increasing since 2005; this success has been achieved while still keeping sustainability and environmental responsibility at the forefront of their strategic planning process. New Belgium has implemented a sustainability management system which brings a structured approach to environmental and conservation efforts. Through accurate gathering and representation of the negative impact there manufacturing process has on the environment New Belgium was able to target specific areas for improvement. New Belgium brewery puts this practice into action by investing in efficient equipment most notably there brew kettle the Steinecker Merlin; which heats thin sheets of wort rather than the whole kettle and stores steam and vapor thats allows the wort to heat at a quickened pace reducing the amount of primary energy used. New Belgiums energy conservation efforts dont stop there; their site claims that the most sust ainable watt is the watt never used (New Belgium Brewery, 2010) and theyve introduced various initiatives that stress conservation including; taking advantage of natural light with light tubes and light shelves, and switching to HVAC evaporative coolers that use much less energy. By designing with conservation in mind new Belgium has increased its efficiency and reduced the energy input needed in their manufacturing process; this ultimately translates to a positive increase to their profits and public image. New Belgium also uses a closed loop system by pumping methane gas generated from their waste treatment facility to a 292Kw co-gen engine that produces up to 15% of their energy needs. Though the system had malfunctioned in the past a partnership with Woodward led to the installation of new controls that have led to even greater efficiency. This illustrates another aspect of New Belgiums commitment to environmental reasonability; by actively seeking out support to optimize their equipment theyve reduced their environmental impact and built lasting and useful relations with various business and government sponsored conservation programs. This can also be seen in New Belgiums appointment of outside consultants when developing there SMS system. In 2010 new Belgium commissioned the construction of a solar array on the top of the packaging hall, at the time it was the largest private solar array in Colorado and displays New Belgiums innovative attempts to harness sustainable energy. The solar array currently provides over 3% of new Belgiums energy needs and will continue to far into the future. In 1999 the New Belgium employee-owners voted unanimously to switch their purchased energy entirely to wind power. Though this included a 2.5cent premium on every watt produced; effectively reducing the employee-owners bonus pool the unanimous vote showed that New Belgiums efforts to reduce their carbon foot print had supported from everyone in the company. Even though th e switch to wind power reduced profits in the short run the unifying vote and positive effects to employee morale ( employees are happier when they feel they have a voice in their workplace) may eventually offset the loss with increased efficiency and employee retention. New Belgiums switch to wind power also had a ripple effect through derived demand; allowing Fort Collins Utilities to become the first utilities company in Colorado to offer wind power. In conclusion New Belgiums continued efforts to reduce their carbon foot print and deep commitment to sustainable production has been an overall benefit to the company by decreasing inputs to their manufacturing process and improving brand image.